
Nachle Deewane 2021 Dhadkan

Nachle Deewane 2021 Livestream

Today Saturday, April 10th at 5pm PST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2WAGA1SB5s AID LA/OC proud to be the charity partner of Dhadkan for Nachle Deewane 2021. All the proceeds and donations from the events will go to AID’s COVID19 relief work. Enjoy the event and contribute!

Nachle Deewane 2021 Dhadkan

Nachle Deewane 2021

AID is proud to be the charity partner for Nachle Deewane 2021, , hosted by the Dhadkan at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB). Nachle Deewane 2021 is an annual Bollywood & Bhangra Dance Competition. The event proceeds will go to AID for projects and campaigns centered… Read More »Nachle Deewane 2021

AID-LA/OC is 2021 Dhadkan Charity Partner

AID LA/OC chapter is excited to be the Charity partner of Dhadkan‘s Nechle Deewane 2021 event, UCSB’s 8th annual Bollywood & Bhangra Dance Competition. https://www.facebook.com/events/481726216185155 https://aidindia.org/responding-to-coronavirus/